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Act 2, Scene 1: ‘I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here’ - Annie

So today, our first day in Edinburgh, we are answering that age old question posed by Heather Small: ’WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TODAY TO MAKE YOU FEEL PROUD?'

Today began for the production team with a big old press and marketing meeting finally meeting with the wonderful CVenues team who we have been working closely with over the past few months (via our constant stream of questions via phone and email), filling them in on all things ‘[title of show]’ and ‘[title of songs]’ and getting tonnes of tips for the upcoming weeks. All posters and flyers were then collected hot off the printing press and the production team then proceeded to complete a trial flyering run - to prepare for the madness that is to come once everything properly gets started…

After all, you can never be too prepared, right?

For our two casts today has been a hectic one as we have now teched BOTH (yep, both) ’[title of show]' and ['title of songs]’. A definite shout out is required for our technical manager Georgie for managing this feat. As most theatre-types will agree, we have all had nightmare techs, however, that was not happening today!

Right now, as I type, the production team are heading off to a networking event at CVenues for some mingling with similar stagey types and then BED.

Day one, over and out.

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